Safety splint device for working at height

To start the concept of this article, it is worth emphasizing the importance of a correct planning of the SPICQ (System of Individual Protection Against The Fall), to increasingly reduce the risks of impact that the employee will have, either in his own body, as in some obstacle. In view of the concept mentioned above, we will talk about the connection element, called TALABARTE. The Talabarte is an equipment that keeps the professional connected to a structure in which the functions that encompass the same are fall restriction, fall arrest and /or positioning. As mentioned above, talabarte is the connecting element between the worker's seat belt with the anchorage point, being fixed or temporary, in which he will remain connected while performing his activity. The main concern that every safety technician responsible for the analysis and prior planning before the activity is to understand the specific talabarte, in order to reduce damage generated in the impact of the fall to the employee. The Talabarte can be divided into three types, can be: single, double or positioning. Below are their types and best descriptions for understanding what it is and what would be the most recommended application. The main types of Talabarte are: 1) Simple TalabartE The Simple Talabarte has only one anchoring hook and should be used in situations with lower risk level for the execution of The Work at Height. It is an appropriate model for situations where the employee connects to the anchorage point before exposure to the risk of fall, provided that it does not need to change system during its movement 2) Double TalabartE The Double Talabarte consists of two "legs" with connectors at its ends for connection to the anchorage point, there may be a model with independent absorber, integrated absorber, or the most usual and found in the market that is the "Y" format, with absorber concentrated on the two legs of the device, this is the most recommended model to the general public. Using the scaffolding example, the use of double talabartis is mandatory because it allows the worker to move without disconnecting at any point from his anchor point. 3) Positioning TalabartE Positioning Talabarte, has no specific function regarding retention or fall arrest, as the name mentions, it works as a system to position the worker only, should be used exclusively in the lateral connection points of the abdominal belt, so that the employee can work positioned, with his hands free to perform the activity. Note: This item should NOT be used for protection against high fall, as it will cause serious damage to the employee, it should be used in conjunction with double splint.
The importance of Talabarte We have seen that Talabarte is an essential device in Work at Heights. The professional needs to have a connection point between the Paratrooper Seat Belt and its anchor point, which will help minimize the impact of a fall generated in a fall. The Talabarte is the connecting element between these two points. Check out the full line of Steelflex crash backs at: