Electrician Segment: Its forms of prevention and safety

It is our knowledge that the electrician segment demands a lot of attention and responsibility, because it is an area where the degree of safety risk is high, and any error can cost expensive for the health of the worker! According to Abracopel - Brazilian Association for Awareness of the Dangers of Electricity - accidents by electric shock have grown again in the electrical sector. This implies that preventive measures are not being followed in the correct manner envisaged.But do you know what are the main ways to prevent and prevent accidents related to discharge of high voltages?! In Brazil, we have the regulatory standard NR 10 - safety in installations and services in electricity, which governs the guidelines used by companies that operate in the control, prevention and security in installations and services in electricity. It establishes control measures for electricity [...]
Safety splint device for working at height

To start the concept of this article, it is worth emphasizing the importance of a correct planning of the SPICQ (System of Individual Protection Against The Fall), to increasingly reduce the risks of impact that the employee will have, either in his own body, as in some obstacle. In view of the concept mentioned above, we will talk about the connection element, called TALABARTE. The Talabarte is an equipment that keeps the professional connected to a structure in which the functions that encompass the same are fall restriction, fall arrest and /or positioning. As mentioned above, talabarte is the connecting element between the worker's seat belt with the anchorage point, being fixed or temporary, in which he will remain connected while performing his activity. The main concern that every safety technician responsible for the analysis and prior planning before the activity is to [...]