It is our knowledge that the electrician segment demands a lot of attention and responsibility, because it is an area where the degree of safety risk is high, and any error can cost expensive for the health of the worker! According to Abracopel – Brazilian Association for Awareness of the Dangers of Electricity – accidents by electric shock have grown again in the electrical sector. This implies that preventive measures are not being followed in the correct manner envisaged. But do you know what are the main ways to prevent and prevent accidents related to discharge of high voltages?! In Brazil, we have the regulatory standard NR 10 – safety in installations and services in electricity, which governs the guidelines used by companies that operate in the control, prevention and security in installations and services in electricity. It establishes control measures for electricity services (collective protection, personal protection and work procedures). We list practices that are important to obtain in the day-to-day routine of the electrician's work: – INVEST IN TRAINING: Training and training are the best way to prevent accidents. Understanding all processes and always being up to speed on regulatory standards are extremely important. – THE CHOICE OF THE RIGHT EPIS ARE FUNDAMENTAL: The choices of personal protective equipment serve to minimize risks and exposure to electrical risk. – SUPERVISE YOUR EQUIPMENT: We have to ensure the quality of each equipment, check the expiration date and use each for intended function. AWARENESS LEADS TO PREVENTION, PREVENTION SAVES LIVES! PROTECT YOURSELF Liked the content?! Share on your social networks and with your friends! If you have questions send us by email: on our social networks, that our team will be available to can health them all!